Stop, It’s Too Risky

Everyone has it. For some it’s small. For others it’s huge. Where is yours. What I’m talking about is your risk tolerance level. Are you the type of person that most people consider a risk taker or are you the type of person that considers others risk takers and foolish.  If you are a risk taker, what do you think about the non risk takers? Do you think that they are the foolish ones? I bet you that there are many risk takers that don’t even consider them to be risk takers. These so called risk takers look at others as being risk takers.

So today I’m on a website that has an advertisement on how to become a millionaire in 3 short years. My question to you is would you have clicked on this advertisement. I knew that to get the eBook I was going to subject myself to a sales pitch. The sales pitch was to receive a paid for news letter for investing that turned $10,000 into $81,000 in 44 weeks. I’m not mentioning the newsletter because that is not the important part here. The important part here is what you do with this information.  How far do you take the information? How risky will you be?  Many people will avoid this as a scam and then if someone they know does it they will say the other person got lucky. We are bombarded by advertisements constantly by people that are trying to get some of our money. What happens if in the first week or two I lose 25% of my money?  I need the money for rent this month. I can’t afford it.

The question that really needs to be answered here is. What would a wealthy person do? The only difference between a wealthy person and a poor person is the way they think. A poor person would either jump right in or be too afraid to jump right in. A poor person would think that the poor person that jumped in was a risk taker. Frankly I would agree that the poor person that just jumped right in was a risk taker because they did not do any due diligence. In my opinion that is what determines whether a person is a risk taker or not. The reason most people that are considered risk takers do not consider themselves to be risk takers to be a risk taker is that they have studied the situation and they believe they know what the results will be. A wealthy person would look at this advertisement, study it, determine if they thought it was the best use of their time and money, and if so would take action. They would not necessarily use the newsletter. They may say, this is something I have not thought about and it may be a great possibility to make money. And that my friend is how the difference between poor people and wealthy people works. They just think differently.

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Increase Your Value, Increase Your Life

What is the value of a bottle of water? Many people in today’s society will pay more than $1.00 for a small bottle of water. People will pay $5.00 for a cup of coffee. How do you determine the price of a service of product? A large portion of our society has taken the Wal-Mart approach to products. They want to pay as little as possible for a product or service. As part of this discussion this morning I told a story about when I used to hire clerical staff for a law firm. Even though I would have a salary range in mind, I would ask the applicant how much they wanted to earn. Inevitably they would ask for less than I was willing to pay and thus I would pay them what they requested.  One of the people in the discussion asked, why I would not pay them what I thought they should earn, even though it would cost the company more. I thought this was a brilliant idea. Pay someone more than they value themselves. What do you think this person would do for the company? Would you have just created an employee that will go up and above the requirements of the position? How much easier would it be to approach the person if they were not living up to your expectations?

Everyone has a certain value to society. I believe that most people undercut the value they add.  I also believe that most people have the ability to add more value to society and don’t because somewhere along the way someone has undermined them. After they were undermined, they believed it and lowered their opinion of their value to society. Do you sell yourself as a Wal-Mart product or do you sell yourself as a diamond in one of the most expensive jewelry stores in the country.

I believe that everyone is a diamond in the rough and has the ability to be polished to be the most beautiful ever. Do whatever it takes to polish yourself and bring out your true value.

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A Must Read – One of The Best Books Ever

Where is your life taking you right now? Are you on the fast track or stalled in the traffic jam of life? If you are like me and a lot of other people you find yourself at times flying down the expressway, well over the posted speed limit. Then all of a sudden traffic comes to a screeching halt. You then find yourself in a traffic jam stuck in the middle of a big mess and there is maybe nowhere to go. Wait there’s an exit lets get off of the path that you’re on and take a side street for a while. While you’re on the side street going at a slow pace and not used to the route you are on you realize that if you had stayed on the same road, traffic had picked up and now you are behind where you would have been. Does this describe your life?

Do you really want to change? Do you want to get in the fast lane? If so, then you must read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind , written by T. Harv Eker. I read this book a few years back. I then picked it up again a couple of weeks ago and started reading it again. This is without a doubt one of the most valuable books I’ve ever read. I’m not even half way through the book and it is beginning to make significant changes. Because of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, I’ve begun to implement one idea that I’ve had that I believe will make a considerable amount of money on the internet. Then after reading a little more last night and this morning, I’ve come up with an idea that will take my real estate investing to a whole new level. This idea will actually help thousands of people get back into home ownership.

I hate it when my wife of almost 25 years tells me I have to do something. So what I’m about to say is difficult for me. YOU HAVE TO READ, “SECRETS of the MILLIONAIRE MIND” Get the book now through Amazon by clicking one of the links I’ve put in this post. If you allow it, this book will help you change your life. If you are already a millionaire, read the book and take yourself to the next level.

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What’s Stopping You?

If you’re like most people there is an activity in your life that you would like to do. Although it seems to be that seasons come and seasons go and you still have not done that one thing you say you would love to do. I remember listening to Zig Zigler talk about waiting for the right time to do something. He started off in the fall and the person couldn’t do it because the kids were starting school. Then as winter approached they couldn’t do it because of the holidays. As spring approached there was spring cleaning and gardens to be planted. Then in the summer there were all of the graduations and weddings and other family get togethers. Then it’s the fall, well you get it. It’s a cycle that keeps repeating itself. How can you interrupt these cycles.

Yesterday I listened to a short audio by T. Harv Eker. He explained it really well. By using excuses you are creating a habit. The more often you say you’re too busy or use some other excuse, the excuse forms a habit. Pretty soon it becomes almost impossible to do an activity because as you get ready to do it, the excuse automatically pops up. Then you don’t do the activity. The next time you think of the activity that you’ve been putting off doing because you’ve had an automatic excuse, just do the activity. If it cannot be completed right then, just start it. Then give yourself a small reward for starting it. Keep moving forward on the activity and rewarding yourself. Pretty soon the activity becomes the habit and the excuse is no longer the habit. We are creatures of habit. That is why it is so difficult to make changes the longer you do something a certain way. You’ve heard the expression, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.  Well the same is true for humans, the older we get the harder it is too change. You notice this in well established businesses. Someone will say, that’s not the way we do things around here.

With that I am going to go exercise now.

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Hope and a Prayer

I was at home Saturday afternoon just about to eat dinner and I saw that there was going to be a show on CNBC about SEO (search engine optimization). So against the wife’s rules I grabbed my dinner and sat down in the living room in front of the TV. They had an interview with an Anthony Morrison. Actually it was a paid advertisement. However it sure did look like an interview. Anthony Morrison was pitching his book, giving away his secrets to making money on the internet. Now I’m not going to argue whether Anthony Morrison’s information will allow you to earn money or not. In fact I went and did a search on Anthony Morrison scam (as my wife has taught me to do) and I found all sorts of information.  Other websites were even coming up saying why their site was better than Anthony Morrison.

The paid commercials feed off of the people that are basing their life on a hope and a prayer.  They see one piece of information and they think, here is a young guy that looks really nerdy and techy, he must be doing this to help me. Very similar to Russ Whitney, Robert Kiyosaki (who I believe bought Russ Whitney’s education system), and the real estate guru’s. What people have to realize is that the people on the infomercials do not care about you. They are spending the money to get themselves on TV because they know someone down on their luck will buy their products. In fact I went through quite a few of Russ Whitney’s classes. These people will sell you some valuable information. What you have to understand is that it is only information. You will need to take action with the information they provide you with. Also remember they care more about themselves then they do about you. They are only there too make a lot of money. There systems if sold to the masses will make more than what they can make alone doing their business.

When you make the decision that you want more in your life, please do not just go on a hope and a prayer. Whatever you do to gain wealth will take lots of work and energy. In fact along the way a little hope and prayer would not be a bad thing. For if you are focusing on what you want to achieve you will have a greater chance of achieving it.

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Proud to be a failure

Be proud to be a failure. Being a failure has very negative connotations in our society. The main problem of being a failure is when you determine that you do not want to be a failure anymore. For at that point in your life is when you begin to die. Thomas Edison said “If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” There is no way you can go through life and not fail at something. The person that fails at something more is a person that is determined to get something right. Professional athletes were not born with the skills that they have that are needed to play at the level they do. When they did not perform a task properly they kept trying until they reached the level they needed.  Even then they don’t stop reaching for perfection, because if they do, someone else will take their position. The question is how many times are you willing to fail at something before you get it right.

Acquiring wealth in any area of your life is the exact same. You typically are not born with an abundance of anything. Normally to acquire wealth it takes a commitment to get what you want. A commitment is nothing more than agreement with yourself, to do something, no matter what the cost, to achieve a certain target or goal. A commitment is an acknowledgement that no matter what obstacles you have to overcome, or failures you have, you will persist.

Are you willing to fail numerous times? Are you proud of your failures, so that your accomplishments are more rewarding? Are you committed to being the very best you can be?

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Love Greedy People

Greed as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary is: a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. According to this definition is there anything wrong with greed. Possibly the only thing wrong with greed according to the definition is that it is an excessive desire. Would greed than be labeled as an excessive compulsive disorder(ECD).  When I look at greed I don’t know that I would characterize it at being selfish. Many greedy people share with other people once they have accumulated what they desire.

Now here is what I dislike about greed and why I like what I see right now from the Occupy Wall Street protests. I dislike that when people hurt other people to get what they want.  In many businesses and in government today the people in power are getting extremely wealthy at the expense of others. Everyone wants to blame someone else for the situation and when others won’t go along with them they start name calling. When people are being laid off from jobs or being told they need to take a reduction of pay the people at the top should be taking much more than the same percentage reductions. Companies that give golden parachutes to their executives when they leave should be boycotted by the consumers. There is nothing wrong with the executive wanting the golden parachute as there is nothing wrong with people wanting unemployment. Neither one has done anything to earn that money. However both are greedy in that they want more than is needed. Both will argue that the money is needed. However the only reason it is needed is because they did not plan for the time they would not have an income coming in and therefore it is needed in their eyes.

I would highly recommend that you take a good look at what these movements are about. I would also highly recommend that you take a look at how you spend your money. What if the majority of consumers banded together and refused to do business with companies that were selfish and over compensated their executives in direct proportion to their workers. What if you demanded a vote on what legislators could earn, the benefits they received and how large of a staff they could have. What if the majority of the people took control of their lives and quit blaming, complaining and justifying their problems. What if the majority of people took control of their lives and became greedy. What if…

With everyone becoming greedy there will be more creation of jobs, money, freedom, happiness, or whatever people are greedy about. Although with everyone being greedy then everyone will receive their fair share. If you do not like something get off of your ass and do something about it.

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Credit Kills

If you don’t think credit kills, than look at our economy. The only thing that credit did not kill is the banking industry. If you want to acquire real wealth you should avoid consumer credit. Buying something on credit allows you to receive goods and services earlier than later. The only problem with this is that you have now introduced another expense into your budget, called interest. The question then becomes what happens when you buy things on credit. More services are provided and more products are sold in the short run. However as the credit limits are reached than the amount of goods and services being purchased, goes to a level below the original amount. This happens because now the amount of money available to spend on goods and services is reduced by the amount being spent on interest. This not only applies to individuals and businesses, it also applies to governments. So as governments borrow money they have less money available to provide services to the citizens.

Where does the interest money go? Like any business the financial institutions have overhead that consists of salaries to employees and other expenses that get filtered back into the economy. The question then becomes whose economy the money get filter back into? A portion of the money goes to the economies of other countries. Once there is a true global market this will have little effect on our country. But now, it has a negative effect. The next question that I ask is if seeing all of the high rollers in the financial industry upsets you, why then do you borrow money. The greed and poor choices of the banking industry were in large what caused the meltdown of the housing industry, which helped cause the rest of our economic woes. The consumers also have to take some of the blame for they kept borrowing money and spending more than they were earning at the time.

People are angry right now because of the charges that banks are beginning to impose. The way I see it is you have two choices. Take your business elsewhere or put up with it and whine. If you quit using your debit card or charge card the businesses you deal with will not have to pay a percentage of their sales to the bank to accept the cards. You will not have to pay interest and other bank charges thus putting more money in your pocket. The banks will begin to earn less and will have to have cut backs of their own. Unless, they charge the customers that stuck with them and whined, more charges to keep their income where they want it.

To acquire real wealth in the form of money you need to understand the effects of how you utilize your money. The only time that credit should be used is when you can use the borrowed money to earn more than it costs you to borrow. Using credit in an emergency should be avoided, however if you have to use it than pay off the debt as quick as you can.

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The Secret To It All

What a strange few days it has been. About 4 days ago I decided to read a book I had borrowed a few weeks before. The Book, “How Did I Get Here? The Ascent of an Unlikely CEO,” by Tony Hawk, with Pat Hawk.  Then in the NFL, America’s biggest losers mount an amazing comeback to beat America’s team. Yes, I’m talking about the Detroit Lions down 27 -3 in the second half to the Dallas Cowboys in Dallas and turning it around to win the game. Then last night I decide to grab a book that I had read before that a few people that I know had just started reading. The book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker. I read about the first 40 pages. It was a little after midnight so I decided I should go to bed. Then as I lay in bed thinking I energized myself and got up for another 1 ½ hours.

You may be asking yourself what have I written that was strange in the last few days. To understand the strangeness you would have to understand me. Now here is where I bring in the secret to it all. I ask you what do you have in your life right now? Make a list of ten things that you have in your life. It doesn’t matter if they are positive or negative. It doesn’t matter if they are tangible or intangible. The next question is, how you acquired those ten things. If you have an abundance of any one of those things then you can consider yourself wealthy in that area of your life. Hopefully you have acquired wealth in something that you consider positive. Although if the wealth that you have acquired is negative, don’t worry as it has been proven over and over, people can lose all of their wealth in a short period of time. What you did to acquire those ten things would be actions that you took in your life. It doesn’t matter what you did, it was just certain actions that led to certain results. After you understand what actions that you took to acquire the 10 results that you have, can you tell me what led to taking the action. I can tell you what led you to take the actions. The answer is your thoughts. What you are thinking about leads you to do something or not doing something in your life. What you do or don’t do, leads to the results that you have obtained in your life. If you did enough you may have received an abundance of something and that is your area of acquired wealth in your life.

Now the next part is what I read in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. T. Harv Eker basically says that your programming is what leads to your thoughts. This is what hit home for me. As I understand computers somewhat, I know that what the programmer writes in a program causes the computer to do certain things and the certain things that the computer does creates the end result that you get from the computer. Humans are the exact same as computers, except we are capable of writing and changing programs.

Think of this. Has there ever been someone that was born into a wealthy family that seemed to have everything, lose it all. Was there ever anyone that grew up in the worst of areas, had the worst life, come out of nowhere and become very successful? How did this happen? They grew up with certain programming from their surroundings and they changed their programming to do the opposite of what they were programmed to do. My answer is that a virus was put into their program to change their thought pattern, which led to different results in their life.

Thus the secret to it all is to understand the program that you were written with. Do you thoroughly enjoy the results that you have gotten in your life? If the answer is no, then all you have to do is change the way you think about things. This will not necessarily be easy. However the difference between the rich and the poor is the way they think. If you want to have different results you need to have different thoughts.

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Looking For a Date

Yesterday in my mastermind group a really good question was posed to the group. Would you date yourself?” It was amazing how at first a quiet came over the room of eight people. Sometimes when there is a quiet moment you can hear the clock tick. Not only could you hear the clock tick, you could also hear the hum from one of the light’s ballast. With a little bit of self reflection everyone began to talk about the subject at hand.

So I ask you, “Would you date yourself?” I would hope that the answer would be yes. Although if it is yes, then why? Are the traits that you think are positive for dating yourself, positive traits for someone else to date you? If you said yes, I don’t want you to change your mind. I am just questioning to give you reason to question yourself, to improve on what you already have. If you would not, date yourself, then why not? Many people are more critical of themselves then they are of others. This can cause serious consequences. First and foremost it can be the root of a lower self esteem. When you have a lower self esteem you do not tend to run at peak performance. Like a race horse, if you are not running at peak performance, there is less chance of you winning the race. I was watching a reality tv show last night and people were auditioning. For some people the audience and the judges did not perceive them to be of high quality. However I have to believe that the individuals had a great belief in themselves or they would not have put themselves in that position. What would it take for you to have the belief in yourself that you are good enough?

Take yourself out on a date this weekend? You never know you could just have the time of your life. Treat yourself to the things that you know you deserve. You never know, someone may see the way you are treating yourself and then they will want you to take them out on a date.

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